How to describe passionate kissing quotes using


how to describe passionate kissing quotes using

Some quotes about kissing illustrate the power that a kiss can have over a person: “Once he drew, with one long kiss my whole soul through my lips.” ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson (), English poet. Another of my favourite kiss sayings about love: “Soul meets soul on lover’s lips.” ~ Percy Bysshe Shelly (), English poet. May 11,  · But the more of them you use, the stronger your love potion will be Let’s see which parts make for an irresistible kissing scene, from beginning to end: 1. Setting the Scene: Let Your Guy and Girl Talk Differently. There is a big misconception about men and women. Quotes tagged as "kissing" Showing of “Kiss me, and you will see how important I am.”. “Never close your lips to those whom you have already opened your heart.”. “You've got this life and while you've got it, you'd better kiss like you only have one moment, try to hold someone's hand like you will never get another chance to, look into people's eyes like they're the last .

So we kissed and kissed until we finally made up, kkissing all of our arguments were forgotten. If prince charming was real, he would have long woken me up from all my nightmares with a kiss. I've always found time to teach them. Take away my terrified feelings with your kiss. His grip slipped and we fell to the ground, he chuckled. The rush of sensations crawling across my body was maddening. But here is a challenge for you: Try rewriting this article, but this time let apssionate lovers be of the same sex. He pulled her in, claiming her mouth again, hungry and intense, until her knees just click for source in.

How great it must have been to be able to feel your kiss every day for the rest of my life. Hsing ran my hands through his hair and his hands wrapped around my bum. My body moves against his.

how to describe passionate kissing quotes using

That is very rude to pssionate, but, it might be true. Too late to make light of anything now. If Visit web page print a kiss on your lips with you permission, I swear we would be able to print one whole edition. Outside, among the dusty, rickety storage containers, he was taking a smoke. Driving safely enough not to cause an accident how to describe click here kissing quotes using kissing a beautiful girl at the same time simply shows that the man is descrjbe giving all of his attention worthy of their kiss. Her first instinct was to shy away, but Penny fought against it. Literally burst, as in barging into a guy and popping the party balloon he was carrying along — both of us decked on the sidewalk, me on top.

While writing the post, it did more info a bit weird to ignore all same sex romance. When they finally part, Susan looks up at him with a teasing smile and says, "You're not just doing this for the brownie passionaye, are you? Wild quivers of pleasure went through her, weakening her knees until she had to lean against him to stay upright. I want to lean back in click here velvety seat and read, how to describe passionate kissing quotes using, read away. Not an easy task. I want to run away with you, to take your hand, go far away and be able to kiss you every day.

I promise you I would never forget that moment we kissed, when our lips touched how to describe passionate kissing quotes using the first time in forever. All of this should be known to the woman.

How to describe passionate kissing quotes using - excited too

His mouth moved over hers in quites, intimate angles, until he found some perfect alignment that made her weak all over.

how to describe passionate kissing quotes using

He knew he would to savor the memory of this, the first time he had kissed Lily. She reached around his neck to keep from dropping bonelessly to the floor. It was too much and yet would never be enough. He nibbled my lip and then went back to kissing me. This kiss could not be mistaken for kiesing accidental collision mouths. Or about marriage.

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Things: How to describe passionate kissing quotes using

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When they finally part, Susan looks up at him with a teasing smile and says, "You're not just doing this for the brownie recipe, are you? He was close. Good job, Krista! I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

WHY DO DOGS LIKE TO LICK YOUR EARS What exactly do you mean check this out novelty? Her hands fluttered to the continue reading of his face, stroking the bristle of his cheeks and jaw.

If you choose me, I will shower you with kisses every morning for the rest of your life, girl. Hi Alex, The main issue is the left margin of the content is about 30 pixels. He tasted like chocolate and smelled like sin. But we also know how it feels when we're kissing someone we really love — or are at least someone we're seriously attracted to.

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How to make li iced tea recipe easy He waited, hovering just above her, for her to respond. The deep kind how to describe passionate kissing quotes using kisses that left little room for thought.

His fingers traced slowly down my spine, his breath coming more quickly against kissong skin. She couldn't think how he had come by such a notion. Fiction needs to speak truth, it needs to be raw and bold and unconditional, it has to touch our inner beings — like love. Madelyn Rennie. But all of these are of no worth if you would not kiss me.

how to describe passionate kissing quotes using Hello Hope!

He pushed her upwards, allowing her legs to cross around his waist, and parted only to look her flurried face, searching for reassurance. It was a culmination of a long journey. Oh, if only he would hold her tightly and lock her full length against his Our lips are hoq made for spouting out malicious words. Hey You! Anthony had never kissed her like this, feeding her rising passion as if he were layering kindling on a blaze. A kiss article source can quohes a story more than words can, a how to describe passionate kissing quotes using of loss, mourning or of love.

His tongue worked past her lips to plunge into her mouth, every stroke tugging at things low too deep in her belly. 45 Hugs and kisses messages to express feelings how to describe passionate kissing quotes using It was the best kissin kiss in the history of first kisses. It was as sweet as sugar. And it was warm, as warm as pie.

The whole world opened up and I fell inside. How did it happen that their lips came together? How does it happen that birds sing, that snow melts, that the rose unfolds, that the dawn whitens behind the stark shapes of trees on the hlw summit of the hill?

how to describe passionate kissing quotes using

A kiss, and all was said. A first kiss is the demarcation line: the same information that a moment ago felt private, all of a sudden seems unfair to withhold. And with that exchange came more.

how to describe passionate kissing quotes using

Then she was kissing him as she had never kissed him before…and it was blissful oblivion, better than firewhisky; she was the only ho thing in the world. Rowling A kiss that is never tasted, is forever and ever wasted. Armentrout The sunlight claps the earth, and the moonbeams kiss the sea: what are all these kissings worth, if thou kiss not me? My nose itched, and I knew I should drink wine or kiss a fool. Our only kiss was like an accident—a beautiful gasoline rainbow. He tangles his hand in my hair, and the other cups my jaw. Although I have this all planned, his lips feel shockingly sweet, swollen and soft, and how to describe passionate kissing quotes using like home every time. A kiss on the beach when there is a full moon is the closest thing to heaven. Jackson Brown, Jr. His mouth seizes mine. Consuming me. Devouring me. My body continue reading against his.

Take me. Take all of me… —Alexia Russell I prefer a kiss that is so much more than your how lips make kiss to a tongue in your mouth. The truth is, I always want quote kiss you. I was going to kiss him, and I was going to regret it. Your love is not really love until you waste it, a kiss is never a kiss until you taste it… —Munia Khan How to describe passionate kissing quotes using lover steals a kiss. He incurs life imprisonment. Kiss me out of desire, but not consolation. Kissing—and I mean like, yummy, smacking kissing — quottes the most delicious, most beautiful and passionate thing that two people can do, bar none. Dewcribe than sex, hands down. Her lips touched his brain as they touched his lips, as though they were a vehicle of some vague speech and between them he felt an unknown and timid pressure, darker than the swoon of sin, softer than sound or odor.

And somehow, against all reason, we were kissing. He ran a finger along the edge of her hairline, tucking a rogue lock of hair behind check this out ear gently. She looked up at him with her wide brown eyes, and he felt a burst of tenderness in his chest. He leaned close, moving slowly, as though she might scare at any moment, and his firm mouth brushed across hers, settling briefly, barely touching before she jumped back, one hand flying to her lips.

how to describe passionate kissing quotes using

He leveled her with a frank gaze and waited for her to speak. When how to describe passionate kissing quotes using didn't, he asked, "Is there a problem? That is- Thank you. That was not the kiss for which you came, little mouse. It was quite nice. I find I am quite satisfied that you have held up your end of our bargain. He trailed his fingers down her neck, leaving her breathless, her voice a mere squeak when she replied, "How should it leave me? Really kissed her. He pulled her against him and pressed his mouth to hers, possessing, owning in a way she could never have imagined. His lips, firm and warm, played across her own, tempting her until she was gasping for breath.

He captured the sound in his mouth, usign advantage of her open lips to run his tongue along them, tasting her lightly until she couldn't bear the teasing. He seemed to read kisssing thoughts, and just when she couldn't stand another moment, he gathered her closer and deepened the kiss, changing the pressure. He delved deeper, stroked more firmly. And she was lost. Callie was consumed, finding herself desperate to match his movements. Her hands seemed to move of their own volition, running along his broad shoulders and wrapping around his neck. Tentatively, she met Ralston's tongue with her own and was rewarded with a satisfied sound from deep in his throat as he tightened his grip, sending another wave of heat through her.

He retreated, and she followed, matching his movements until his lips closed scandalously around her tongue and he sucked gently- the sensation rocked her to her core. All at once she was aflame. I am making them now. You received what you requested. Or, have you forgotten? He was standing behind her, and she could feel the warm kiss of his breath on her bare neck, sending a river of heat through her. He laid a hand on her arm and, with virtually no pressure, turned her face to him. When he met her eyes, the anger that had been there was gone, replaced by something much more complex. And not for lack of trying. Kneeling in front of her, he cupped one cheek in a strong, warm hand, and met her gaze with a searing look. Shaking his head as check this out he couldn't quite read more what had come over him, he kissed her again, growling low in the back of his throat.

Her hands found their way into his thick, dark hair as he caught her bottom lip in his teeth, how lip gloss on and licking at it until she thought she might perish from the intensity of the feeling. She whimpered at the sensation, and he rewarded the sound by deepening the kiss, giving her everything she desired. He broke off the kiss as one of his hands found its way under her skirts, caressing up the inside of her leg. He shifted her against him, running his lips across her cheek to the curl of kissibg ear, sucking and nibbling and licking as he spoke to her, the scandalous words more sensation than sound.

I'm going to be consumed with thoughts of how this soft, lovely skin will feel against me Only the gore spattered on his belly, chest, and arm, marred his perfection. He walked how to describe passionate kissing quotes using her and she couldn't help it. She backed away from him. He smiled. Like a boy. The dagger still in his left hand. And caught her arm with his right hand. Naked, with blade and blood. I am vengeance. I am hate. I am sin personified. Never mistake me how to describe passionate kissing quotes using the hero of this tale, for I am not and shall never be.

I am the villain. Her lips had been sweet, like ripe figs, her mouth a cavern of delight. But her eyes- those dark inquisitor's eyes- had held only horror and disgust. Val sipped his China tea the next morning and gazed out the window. The sun shone on his garden, giving the illusion of warmth, though his empty chest was descirbe. He could have explained to her that a razor-sharp blade was passsionate than a hangman's noose. That death delivered in seconds passionatd a few thrusts was preferable to a laughing, jabbering mob, gleeful at the jerking, agonizing execution. But those saint's eyes would've seen the hypocrisy. He claimed his reward immediately, fitting his mouth to hers and taking a long, ardent taste.

Her kiss him not ending swam, and she welcomed passiionate exploration of his tongue. He savored and consumed her, with a kiss more aggressive than usjng he'd given her before. It made her knees weak and turned her bones fluid. Her body listed toward his and was instantly gathered into the hard urgency yo his how to describe passionate kissing quotes using. Desire curled through her in hot tendrils that insinuated themselves in deep, private places. Her throat caught on a whimper of protest as his mouth lifted from hers. Tom chuckled. It's time to stop. Albeit slightly more experienced than hos days ago. As soon as possible. It had fluttered and fallen to ground, bombarded from every direction.

The only choice had been to fold its wings, take shelter and wait. This man was the storm and the shelter, pulling her into a deep, encompassing darkness where there was too much to feel- hot soft firm hungry rough silken tugging. She strained helplessly in his arms, although she didn't know whether she was trying to escape or press closer. She had craved this, the hardness and heat of his body against hers, the sensation familiar and yet not at all familiar. She had feared this, a man with a will and power that matched her own, a man who would desire and possess every last part of her without mercy. He possessed her with passion-roughened kisses, almost eating at her mouth, greedily drawing in the honeysuckle taste of her. Her skin was milk-white with golden flecks, smoothness quivering at the stroke of his tongue.

He was close. His lips were nearly on hers, she could feel their movement as he spoke, barely brushing against her. He waited, hovering how to describe passionate kissing quotes using above her, for her to respond. She was consumed with an unbearable need to touch him. She tried to speak, but no words came. She couldn't form thoughts. He had invaded her senses, leaving her with no other choice but to close the scant distance between them. The moment their lips touched, Ralston took over, his arms coming around her and dragging her into his lap to afford him better access to her.

This kiss was vastly different than their first one- it was heavier, more intense, less careful. This kiss was a force of nature. Callie moaned as his hand ran up the side of her neck cupping her hos, tilting her head to better align their mouths.

how to describe passionate kissing quotes using

His lips played across hers, his tongue running along them before he pulled away just barely and searched her half-lidded eyes. A ghost of a smile crossed his lips. Open for me. She became caught in a web of long, slow, drugging kisses, and all she could this web page was that she had to be closer to him. With that click the following article in mind, she returned to the world only to find her own eyes were so tear-filled, she might as well have been submerged fifty feet underwater. You kidding me? John reached up and kissed her, and they stayed like that for a minute, a month, a millennium. Was it merely for his own amusement- or was it for some other, more sinister reason? After all, only two days before she'd seen him kill a footman in cold blood.

Of course Cal had tried to kill the duke in a particularly awful and vicious way. But then afterward the duke had kissed her as she'd never been kissed in all her life. His tongue had tasted of wine and sin and she'd wanted to moan and rub herself against him as he'd tilted her back over his arm. One side of his mouth kicked up. This kiss was different from all that they had shared before- softer, seeking, as though they were both discovering something altogether new. This was a concert of stroking tongue and soft lips. Gabriel lifted his head and waited for her to open her eyes; when she did, he was struck once more by her loveliness. He searched her face, watching as she returned from the sensual place where how to describe passionate kissing quotes using kiss had taken her.

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Her mouth was his banquet. He sipped at her lips, savoring their taste, their softness. Her hands found their way around his neck and into his hair- threading through the dark locks. The caress sent a shiver of pleasure through him. He ate at her, nibbling at her lips before gently laving the worried skin there with his tongue.

how to describe passionate kissing quotes using

When he pulled away and met her eyes once more, they were both breathing heavily, and Gabriel was wishing that how to describe passionate kissing quotes using were anywhere but here, hundreds of Londoners mere click to see more away. He had to stop. He was about to do exactly what he had resolved not to do. Had he not promised himself that he would not compromise her again? He owed her more. A vision flashed in his mind of Callie naked, spread before him in a pool of sunlight, and he pushed it aside. This was no time article source indulge in fantasies that would further arouse him- as descrbe was, his excitement was embarrassingly obvious in his breeches.

Still it was a shock when she found herself pressed against the back of her seat, his face inches from her. Listen and listen well: I am no saint. I want you. His kiss wasn't gentle. He opened her lips with his tongue, invading her angrily. How had she ever thought this man uninterested in bedding her? His big, hot body pressed her against the seat and he scraped his teeth over her bottom lip. We won! Her lips were soft and warm and sweet with chocolate. The shock of them short-circuited his brain and for a moment he couldn't breathe.

And then he was pressing her lips apart, hungry for her, desperate for more. She softened against him, sighed. He braced himself for her to retreat, but instead, she tightened her arms around him and kissed him back, her tongue tangling with his as she explored his mouth. She laughed when she showed him the screen. This time he was the one who looked dazed. He didn't want to. In torturously slow degrees, he lowered his head toward passiohate. Every sense, every nerve in his body was focused on the next few moments. He knew he would want to savor the memory of this, uslng first time he had kissed Lily. He pressed his lips to hers gently at first, not knowing what to expect. But even such a light touch sent a swift rush of sensation through him.

It was unlike anything he had ever known. Delicate and passionate at once. The silken texture of her lips, her pliant softness, the little moan that caught in her throat. It stunned him. Stopped his breath and jolted his heart. Intent upon exploring this new experience, fescribe shifted the pressure of his mouth, brushing his lips across hers before he flicked his tongue out to touch just the center of her bottom lip. Her lips parted on a sudden exhale. Her warm breath mingled with his. Something more than desire coursed through his blood. He quootes his pasdionate to grasp her shoulders, and with a groan, he crushed her mouth with more info. A voice in his head demanded he slow down, relish the sensations. But he was too desperate to know more. He tilted his head, craving the taste of her as though it could save his soul. He swept his tongue past her teeth, sliding how to describe passionate kissing quotes using into the recesses of her mouth.

She tasted of innocence and shadows, and he was ravenous for her. It shocked him- that desperate, obsessive need to consume her, to take all that she was into himself. To make what was hers, his. Her breath, her taste, her softness, and her need. The ache inside him deepened.

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He knew what she wanted. Somehow, he always knew. Despite the truth he had to acknowledge, he was hlw to deny her. He lowered his head to take the words from her, pressing his mouth to hers as how to describe passionate kissing quotes using eyes fell closed. Lifting his hand, he cradled the side of her face, indulging in the smooth warmth of cheek against his palm and the way her pulse fluttered where the pad of his little finger rested below her earlobe.

She tilted her head to deepen kizsing kiss, and he responded with a sensual sweep of his tongue. No matter how many times they had come together in the last couple of weeks, the heat never dissipated. The urgency and the passion seemed to grow. It was too much and yet would never be enough. She began to lean into him, and though he tensed when she pressed against his chest, he did not stop her. Nor did he how to describe passionate kissing quotes using when her hands came up to rest on either side of his lower rib cage. He just breathed more deeply of her scent, allowing the essence that was Usiny to overwhelm his senses. After a few long minutes, he drew back to rest his forehead against hers. He could not resist the temptation of savoring that moment. I can see why those Ottomans hide their women. If I could, I might dress you in silk- deep-red silk- and put you away where no other man might see you. This woman- why did he want this woman so very much?

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