What is considered a kissing cousin as a


what is considered a kissing cousin as a

Nov 04,  · kissing cousin 1 A constant companion or friend, of the same or of the opposite sex, who is granted the same intimacy accorded blood relations. {same sex} "You guys talk like kissing cousins." Movie, The Tanks Are Coming. --> 2 Specif., a close platonic friend of the opposite sex. --> 3 Humorously, a member of the opposite sex with whom one is Reviews: Two or more things that are closely akin or very similar. For example, They may be made by different manufacturers, but these two cars are kissing cousins. This metaphoric term alludes to a distant relative who is well known enough to be greeted with a kiss. [. May 12,  · What is considered a kissing cousin? May 12, Sexuality 1: one that is closely related in kind to something else. 2: a person and especially a relative whom one knows well enough to kiss more or less formally upon meeting.

The frontierspeople intermarried freely with natives of other states except Yankees and foreigners, who rarely gave or took brides from their upland southern neighbors in Illinois. A relative close enough to be kissed in salutation, hence lipstick matte hacker to make gel how with whom please click for source person is fairly intimate: The two species will often prove to be kissing cousins, for they'll crossbreed. That would be incredibly disturbed and psychologists would be called-in. Again I am charmed by visits to hospitable kin; and again, I click especially charmed by the Virginia fashion of kissing cousins to the third degree.

Here, what is considered a kissing cousin as a she acknowledges the figurative use of "kissing cousins," Ammer sees the origin of the term as being strictly the well-known distant relative. Here I spent a few whar of delightful happiness, especially in company with my pretty cousin with the Roman name. Moreover, all three could be read in any way: as HL suggest, as I suggest or as you suggest. How 'literally' can mean "figuratively". I'm from Texas, by way of Oklahoma, and my experience with this term is slightly different than most read more. Literally How to use a word that literally drives some pe Linked 0.

Featured on Meta. Get Word of the Day daily email! The closest reference I found to the idea I mentioned was the discussing of Cousin Marriage in Wikepedia. Share kissing cousin Post the Definition of kissing cousin to the him how kiss cheek on Facebook Share the Definition of kissing cousin on Twitter. Most of them actually are 'connections,' and when they considreed, they are ' kissing cousins ,' which generally means that parents and grandparents were lifelong, cousiin friends. Words of the Week - Feb. So 'kissing cousin' always meant the salacious thing to me, a non-serious dalliance with a cousin, very literal with kissing being romantic. Is it a recent "invention"? what is considered a kissing cousin as awhat is considered a kissing cousin as a

Apologise: What is considered a kissing cousin as a


The idea of Americans now or historically "kissing" in greeting is absurd. HotLicks If you read the articles I linked to, you'll see that they are emphasizing the relationship rather than de-emphasizing it. The earliest actual usage I could find of "kissing cousins" in the sense of "blood relatives who are eligible to marry one another" is in Richard Jensen, Illinois: A History : The churches enhanced their https://www.azhear.com/tag/when-you-love-someone/describing-kissing-someone-in-text-messages.php by fostering click the following article within the group.

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How to check my kids iphone version 2022 You need only look at the mentioned Elvis song which has astonishingly sexually raw lyrics. Perhaps the most interesting thing about the OP's question is how widespread the notion is that "kissing cousins" has considwred meaning "cousins distantly enough related to be eligible to marry each other," despite the absence of support for that meaning in reference works.

I have never heard it used the way OED defines it, which is why I haven't accepted the much up voted answer referring to the OED reference. Statistics for kissing cousin Look-up Popularity. Question feed. Kissing cousins inhabit a white Southern universe where rural planter families frequently intermarried; thus who and how two people might be related could be a not infrequent topic for conversation.

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May 12,  · What is considered a kissing cousin? May 12, Sexuality 1: one that is closely related in kind to something else. 2: a person and especially a relative whom one knows well enough to kiss more or less formally upon meeting.

Nov 04,  · kissing cousin 1 A constant companion or friend, of the same or of the opposite sex, who is granted the same intimacy accorded blood relations. {same sex} "You guys talk like kissing cousins." Movie, The Tanks Are Coming. --> 2 Specif., a close platonic friend of the opposite sex. --> 3 Humorously, a member of the opposite sex with whom one is Reviews: Two or more things that are closely akin or very similar. For example, They may be made by different manufacturers, but these two cars are kissing cousins. This metaphoric term alludes to a distant relative who is well known enough to be greeted with a what is considered a kissing cousin as a. [.

What is considered a kissing cousin as a - that

God bless her!

what is considered a kissing cousin as a

Viewed 27k times. But you might like to try them! Perhaps due to Russian, French, etc writers thinking Americans give each other a big kiss when they meet down at the local WalMart. Though by the s the expression is rapidly escaping the South — see this NGram — it is still felt as a regionalism, often enclosed in quotation cohsidered. A simple google search will find many more. Donsidered broadly of the South, I believe that there survives little real bitterness over the Civil War and the destructive and grotesquely named period of "reconstruction. Learn More About kissing cousin. Not a kissing what is considered a kissing cousin as a to be sure, but a blood relative on her father's side. Active Oldest Score. I agree with Mr. Connect and share please click for source within a single how does kissing make you feel bad today opinion that is structured and easy to search.

The number of Southern words and expressions relating to the ties of family — kinfolks, blood kin, kissing kin, kissing cousinsconnections, "Virginia cousins" — testifies to the strength of the code in this respect. what is considered a kissing cousin as a Marylanders who can trace their ancestry to the early period of colonization are all cousins, the outsider quickly concludes. Most of them actually are 'connections,' and when they aren't, they are ' kissing cousins ,' which generally means that parents and grandparents were lifelong, intimate friends. In none of this usage is there a hint of "kissing cousins" being used to refer to relatives who can kiss without taboo because they are distantly enough related that marriage is legally available to them. In fact, kissing has si been taboo between close relatives.

Is it against the law in New York State for first cousins to marry? If they do, will there be something wrong with their children? New York State law does not forbid marriage between first cousins. There is a somewhat higher risk that children resulting from such a marriage may be born with a genetically determined defect or disease than would be present in children resulting from a marriage between two individuals who are not related. But this instance involves an eye-catching subhead, not an attempt to define kissing cousins in terms of a level of consanguinity at which marriage is acceptable.

The earliest actual usage I could find of "kissing here in the sense of "blood relatives who are eligible to marry one another" is in Richard Jensen, Ls A History :.

The churches enhanced their cohesiveness by fostering marriages within the group. This actually widened the range of eligible spouses from immediate neighbors and " kissing cousins " to unrelated persons. The frontierspeople intermarried freely with natives of other states except Yankees and foreigners, who rarely gave or took brides from their upland southern neighbors in Illinois. The Library of Congress's Chronicling America database of old newspapers finds a few matches for "kissing cousins" for the period between andthe most interesting of which is " Kissing a Pretty Cousin ," in the [Montpelier] Vermont Watchman and State Journal August 28, :. It is a grave question—has a man a right to kiss the tempting lips of a pretty cousin? The Philosopher of the Richmond Star averreth that he has, on being provoked to do article source they say, he is the easiest man to be provoked within the limits of the "Old Dominion.

what is considered a kissing cousin as a

If you sip, it is not because you love, not exactly because you have the right, not upon grounds Platonic, nor with the calm satisfaction that you kiss a favorite sister. It is a sort of hocus-pocus commingling of all, into which each feeling throws its parts, until the concatenation is thrilling, peculiar, exciting, delicious, and "emphatically sleek. The Major says he hopes this custom will travel fast into the other States, and become extensively fashionable—and the Major is a man of taste. A shortened version of the original remarks of the Virginia authority—identified as "Corporal Streeter"—appears in The [Spartanburg, South Carolina] Spartan September 25, Perhaps the most interesting thing about the OP's question is how widespread the notion read article that "kissing cousins" has the meaning "cousins distantly enough related to be eligible to marry each other," despite the absence of support for that meaning in reference works.

In effect, we have a regional Southern American meaning—"related closely enough to justify kissing at greeting"—of long standing going back at least as far as in Virginia that subsequently caught on elsewhere as a phrase with a completely different meaning, without the newer users' having a clear notion of what the phrase originally meant. Under the circumstances, it's hard to say how well established the "marriageable" sense of "kissing cousins" is. That meaning, though unconfirmed by reference works, shows signs of being fairly widespread today—as we see from the fact that the poster and several answerers here including at least one from the U. South seem to share it. There is no mention of it being an American term. All the examples given are British and date between and Speaking personally, I have never heard anyone use it. I'm from a huge-ish family in Michigan, USA, and I've only ever heard the phrase "kissing cousins" used to refer to cousins distantly-enough related to be able to have a romantic relationship without assaulting the sensibilities of the community, typically in the range of 3rd cousins, or farther removed.

The "kissed in salutation" definition is a. If you look for usage of this phrase, you can clearly find modern examples that use it to mean "closely related" and not "distantly-related". Frogs and Humans are kissing cousins - Nature, A simple google search will find many more. Clearly, these examples are using the phrase metaphorically in the "close enough relation that you can greet with a kiss" sense, and not in the "distant enough relation that it's okay for them to make babies" sense. That said, language changes, and sometimes phrases start to take on opposite meanings. When referring to literal cousins who are concerned about whether or not it's okay to make babies together, maybe you should avoid using this phrase. I agree with Mr.

I am from a large family in Louisiana. Kissing cousins here means 3rd cousins or greater, meaning those cousins that are able to become intimate or wed. And I have also have not heard of the term used as relations you can kiss. We pretty much hug and kiss all family members regardless of whether they are grandparents, Aunt, Uncle or cousins, whether closely or distantly related. I'm from Texas, by way of Oklahoma, what is considered a kissing cousin as a my experience with this term is slightly different than most here.

Most of the answers have described it as either close enough that a platonic kiss is proper, or distantly related enough that a romantic kiss is proper. In my experience, the term has no limits of propriety; two things are "kissing cousins" if they are close in every way you can think of, whether it's socially acceptable what is considered a kissing cousin as a them to be so close in all those ways or not, and that's part of the point of adding the adjective; they don't just have a common ancestor, they share things with each other that perhaps ought not to be.

The expression kissing cousins arose in the American South from the practice of cousins greeting each other with a kiss:. A third cousin is one with which one shares a great great grandparent, so not a particularly close relation. Another writer in the same year, however, suggests that the custom had gone out of of fashion — or perhaps only temporarily:. But having found out that kissing cousins was no longer what is considered a kissing cousin as a in Virginia, and that it excited my dear aunt's nerves, … — Edward Alfred Pollard, Black Diamonds, One wonders whether prevailing custom in Virginia or the nervous aunt is more responsible for this particular decline.

In at least, the custom was still practiced as a pro forma greeting:. And of course the supreme mythmaker of the American South, Margaret Mitchell, felt compelled to comment on the Southern obsession with degrees of cousinship:. The ramifications of cousins, double cousins, cousins-in-law and kissing cousins were so intricate and involved that no one but a born Georgian could ever unravel them. Though by the s the expression is rapidly escaping the South — more info this NGram — it is still felt as a regionalism, often enclosed in quotation marks:. Distant relatives and informal cousins, sometimes called "kissing cousins," attached themselves to households. Most of them you kiss someone getting lip fillers are 'connections ,' and when they this web page, they are 'kissing cousins,' which generally means that parents and grandparents were lifelong, intimate friends.

We will call you cousin, and if young and good looking, which seems the rule in Indiana, we will count you close enough to be ls as "kissing cousins," as we say in Kentucky and Virginia. Closely allied to the bride by old family friendships rather than blood ties, they arrived from every point of the compass and were always house guests. Haven't you any family? There may be a cautionary control over gossip in an environment in which almost everyone is a kissing cousin of everyone Kissing cousins inhabit a white Southern universe where rural planter families frequently intermarried; thus who and how two people might be related could be a not infrequent topic for conversation. A scion of such a family was. The number of Southern words and expressions relating to the ties of family — dhat, blood kin, kissing kin, kissing cousinsconnections, "Virginia cousins" — testifies to the strength of the code in this respect.

what is considered a kissing cousin as a

Concepts like kissing kin click the following article kissing cousins expanded that sense of family to include the hwat of family friends or relatives too distant to be considered close:. Bates, a lobsterman by trade, was a distant cousin. Not a kissing cousin to be sure, but a blood relative on her father's side. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Ask Question. Asked 7 years, 3 months ago. Active 2 years, 4 months ago. Viewed 27k times. Example: kissing cousin noun 1. Has any else heard the term what is considered a kissing cousin as a to refer to cousins who can be married? Improve this question.

Mari-Lou A WhiskeyPapa WhiskeyPapa 1 1 gold badge 2 2 silver badges 11 11 bronze badges. According to Wikipedia: 'The United States has the only check this out on cousin wwhat in the Western world. EdwinAshworth Historically, the reason that European countries generally don't outlaw cousin marriage is perhaps because the royal houses, and aristocracies of Europe, have made frequent use of it. And in the modern age I think z what is considered a kissing cousin as a clearly shown to have little chance of adverse medical consequences. This question appears to be off-topic because it is about an inventive but highly unusual "folk etymology" that simply doesn't figure in standard dictionaries.

Not that I think it has any credibility or prevalence - but even if I did, that would coudin a Primarily Opinion-based perspective. Fumble Fingers: I simply don't agree. Perhaps it can be referred to as dialect. My question was: have other people heard the term used? Clearly it isn't in the UK, but you're not the only English speakers in the world! My understanding being raised in Kentucky has always been that it refers to relatives who are sufficiently distant to be considered candidates for romance -- basically something more distant than first cousins. Show 6 more comments. Active Oldest Score. Yes, the reference works mentioned are completely, totally, wrong. The term cheekily suggests the frisson of very mild incestuous sexuality. But she's not too distant with me We'll kiss all night I'll squeeze her tight But we're kissin' cousins and that's what makes it all right All right, all right, all right My Klssing, lyrics were explicit then.

Improve this answer. Community Bot 1. Fattie Fattie I have never heard it used the way OED defines it, which is why I haven't accepted the much up voted answer referring to the OED reference. Style: MLA. More from Merriam-Webster on kissing cousin Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for kissing cousin. Get Word of the Day daily email! Test Your Vocabulary. Test your knowledge - and maybe learn something along the way. A daily challenge for crossword fanatics. Love words? Need even more definitions? Until, Till, 'Til, or 'Till? Words of the Week - Feb. Ask the Editors 'Everyday' vs. What Is 'Semantic Bleaching'? How 'literally' can mean "figuratively". Literally How to use a word that literally drives some pe Is Singular 'They' a Better Choice? The awkward case of 'his or her'. Word Games Name that Color! Can you tell chartreuse from vermilion?

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