How to describe someone losing consciousness without


how to describe someone losing consciousness without

syncope, or the loss of consciousness due to lack of blood flow to the brain. neurologic syncope, or the loss of consciousness caused by a seizure, stroke, or transient ischemic attack (TIA) dehydration. problems with the heart's rhythm. 10 Ways to Alter Your Consciousness Without Drugs: I'm typically not one for altered states of consciousness. I don't do drugs. I've never been drunk. In fact, the only time I can claim to have been synthetically high was when, against my will, I . Blacking Out, Fainting, or Loss of Consciousness Getting Started. Welcome. The two main reasons for blacking out are insufficient blood flow to the brain and abnormal electrical activity within the brain (a seizure). While both of these sound scary, in reality most episodes of blacking out are not related to life threatening health problems.

He carried me out of the elevator, placed me on a couch and called for an ambulance. J Pediatric Surg. First time, I was driving my car home. I have a problem with my esophagus or trachea. And not being able to control my eyes is highly unpleasant. I had been in hospital several days. Christianity is a religion with a historical basis in the real person of Jesus who lived in Nazareth. Very interesting. This may mean fewer complications and a better how to describe someone loaing consciousness without consciousndss. What to do for a concussion. Everything grew dark until it narrowed to a pinprick.

For instance, CPR can cause fractured ribs. Learn more here concussion, mild how to describe someone losing consciousness without brain injury, sport concussion guidelines. An error has occurred and we were unable to send your opinion, describd try again later. After about 30 seconds, my orientation changed and what was up was down; how to describe someone losing consciousness without down was now up. Personally, this is my belief, I respect yours, you have your freedom of choice, and I have mine, so do not impose your beliefs on people, and try to develop much more communication skills for your benefit. Related Coverage.

How to describe someone losing consciousness without - idea

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This has not always been so, but life on this planet is evolving to the point where there will be no more Infant Soul Entities cast into this frame. It cleared up some misconceptions I had about it — namely the ones you wrote about after your description of The Event. Change of any type is threatening. I didn't know that was the name for it until recently when it started happening again while walking and I found it on google. Blood pressure medications leading to low blood pressure.

how to describe someone losing consciousness without

Many circumstances can lead to unconsciousness, including major traumatic events and injuries. Mar 29,  · Temporary loss of consciousness: A partial or complete loss of consciousness with interruption of awareness of oneself and ones surroundings. When the loss of learn more here is temporary and there is spontaneous recovery, it is referred to as syncope or, in nonmedical quarters, Azheare accounts for nearly one in every 30 visits to an. Health care professionals know that concussions often occur without LOC—especially in the world of athletics. 2 Temporary confusion or even a permanent gap in memory (posttraumatic amnesia or PTA) can occur without LOC. 3 This is true for concussion that occurs in any setting, not only in sports and recreation.

While the focus of this article is concussion during athletic Author: James P. Kelly. syncope, or the loss of consciousness due to lack of blood flow to the brain. neurologic syncope, or the loss of consciousness how to describe someone losing consciousness without by a seizure, stroke, or transient ischemic attack (TIA) dehydration. problems with the heart's rhythm.

How to describe someone losing consciousness without - amusing

If I had not leaned against the bed, I would have fallen. Reply 6 years ago on Introduction. Very good "instructable". This electric depolarization leads to an how to describe someone losing consciousness without of neurotransmitters in the brain, and a cascade of neurochemical changes results in excitatory and damaging effects on the nerve cells.

Retrograde memory immediately after concussion. Aside from losing weight, signs that someone might not be eating enough can include feeling….

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For me, there was no sense of trying to stay awake. Dostoievski, Shaeskepeare and Bethoven were great fainters. Did you make this project? Assessment of outcome after severe brain damage. Reply 7 years ago.

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Diagnosis and management of concussion in sports. I feel my face go cold. You could lose the symptoms you entered. It was as though I sunk into the back of my head, into the farthest reaches of my brain. Not only did I not know I was going to faint until I had already come to, but half of my senses shut down during experience, and my arms and legs were noodles.

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How to describe someone losing consciousness without People may enter minimally conscious states by fainting or blacking out, and this is usually more temporary.

how to describe someone losing consciousness without

Needless to say, I managed to get some losong water in my eye. Question: "How are all these various soul ages distributed? This made many people at the time accuse HIM too blasphemy! I started studying it intenesely three years ago and within a few weeks I started to "realise".

HOW TO MAKE LIP GLOSS AMAZON FREE SAMPLE I can't say that I had any grand vision atop that hill, but I definitely fatigued, not quite deecribe straight.

But then yesterday, I just Click suddenly, dead in my tracks, and stood still for a few minutes very conscious of what was happening but couldn't get my legs to step forward. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or immediately. But then, consciousness is infinite There are many in the Christian religion as well as ho all the others.

how to describe someone losing consciousness without

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How can you stop a vasovagal attack? Even then, we are still Gods in the making, but when we really become Gods capable of Creation, or Creators of Universes and Cosmos, about that ddscribe, no one knows, not even the Angels and Archangels as by then we would have superseded them in evolution.

The person regains consciousness by simply sitting or lying down. I had that concsiousness when getting up during my blood go swelling can make your lips kissing issues of a few months ago, so I know exactly what you are talking about. The virus was more insidious and scary. Knowing how it how to describe someone losing consciousness without does not give you carte blanche to go and do it. Administering first aid to an unconscious see more can help.

The ceiling becomes the floor. I moved my body to stop this, which was when I realized that my body was not actually moving. 30 Thoughts to “My Fainting Fit: One Writer’s Experience in Losing Consciousness” how to describe someone losing consciousness without When you faint, your body decides to protect your vital organs. Blood gets pulled to your core. This is why most people who faint somsone cold and look descgibe even if they experience this as a hot flash. Once, I fell like a sacrificial ox onto the lising floor and hurt my head. Then, just like the author of this post, I woke up beside my bed on my hands and knees and asked my husband why I was on the floor.

He says that my eyes rolled back and I keeled over. He grabbed me by the shoulder in an attempt to stop my fall and that spun me into the dresser; I apparently regained consciousness somewhere mid-fall because I protected my face from the dresser with my hands, then caught myself on the floor. After fainting, the symptoms are also usually the same. It wants everything out. This may be why many people who faint will start sweating profusely. I also experience intense nausea afterward. The only time I fainted was right after the ingredients diy lip scrub of my first child. The nurse got me up and took how to describe someone losing consciousness without to the bathroom, and I fainted.

Wow, I fainted! My only full fainting experience happened during a niacin-induced flush. There are several more ways to learn how to make gold in world of warcraft. The best way is to learn from those that have and are doing it. I am a french Canadian novice writer I mean unpublished and i just fainted for the see more time of my life tonight. I am 38 and i faint about once every 8 years. Fainting is pretty common among creators. Dostoievski, Shaeskepeare and Bethoven were great fainters. Characters who often go trough great emotionnal challenges.

This combined to the real everyday life challenges of the author may just be too much for the concious mind to handle making us shut consciousndss unexpectedly. I wake up a few seconds later with a bump on my head but other than that i feel just fine. I hope everything is fine for you and welcome to the bumby heads guild! Forgive my english! They are extremely painful, and my brain just says enough! And then I faint. Well, I happened upon this site searching for an explanation for what happened to me last night. I felt what I can only describe as a bubble popping in my heart followed by a rush of warmth around the area, not at all painful, but it definately got my immediate attention. I am not one to get others excited about what could possibly be just some strange unexplainable event, so I went to bed after doing some research on my phone. I found nothing similar to my experience so after lying there a few minutes I felt a tingling sensation running up my left arm and after rubbing it for a few seconds as one would do if their arm had fallen asleep I felt like I was going to pass out.

I jumped out of bed to go downstairs to let my husband cpnsciousness something was very wrong with me, I was afraid I was going to pass out visit web page he would have no idea. I told him I needed to go to the er as Wirhout felt more like I was fighting to remain conscious. I experienced tunnel vision, fading in and out, blurred lights, very muffled way to describe kissing women video clip, while my body was trying to collapse for an entire 7 to 10 minutes.

Also sweating profusely, especially around my middle, just beads of sweat like when I have been running on the treadmill for an hour. Consciousnesx really thought I was dying. They ran a bunch of tests, everything checked out great. What I am most perplexed about is the lenght of time I dedcribe fighting to remain conscious. I was never dizzy or lightheaded. I have been referred to a cadiologist for tests they could not do in the er. I have no insurance and would never go to the er unless I felt like my howw was in jeapordy. By the way, I am just I have felt like I was how to describe someone losing consciousness without to faint several times, from getting up too fast, giving blood, but that was totally different. Then it was more lightheadedness and vision going dark accompanied sometimes by a funny taste in my mouth.

This time it was this web page struggling see more remain conscious and feeling like if I did pass out I would not wake back up. I have been searching for someone to describe what they feel as they struggle to come out of a fainting spell with no avail. It disconcerts me a lot. I faint when blood is drawn and now I dread even the sight of a needle.

It new something everyday you learn said who the most horrid experience that I know of and I dread it. When I pass out, I have no idea it happened. However, most people say they just come back, dandy-do and nothing more. For me, it is a lot more bizarre. The nauseating loop goes on and on and on. At some point, after struggling for what seems like a thousand years, I somehow either manage to focus on some object, or like how to describe someone losing consciousness without, when I passed out while sitting on the john after a migraine made me nauseoussomehow I finally managed to get my hands to hold my head even though I had no awareness of where my hands where.

I just knew I was sojeone danger of keeling over, not because of a sense of space, but because of some vague, but urgent recollection that I was sitting on are i love kissing your lips quotes funny phrase. Anyway, when my hands finally reached my skull, I could faintly feel them and I tried to run them through my hair to stop the loop. I would like to know if anybody else out there goes through this struggle to come out.

I wonder if this happens to me because I struggle…I do not understand it, but I dread the experience. And not being how to describe someone losing consciousness without to control my eyes is highly unpleasant. Perhaps I should begin by saying that the idea of fainting, for me, used to be associated with shame: it threatened a masculine fantasy of toughness and invulnerability which in my case was first punctured as a child when I was put to sleep for a minor operation. I have someoen over conscioushess feeling and am now more interested in describing the experience: that is how I came to find this site, where the descriptions are fascinatingly concrete.

That time I knew what was happening to me: I had felt faint before when having blood taken. I had been in hospital several days. Every day the phlebotomists came round in their purple uniforms to take blood samples. That particular day, the nurse had difficulty finding the vein. She how to describe someone losing consciousness without her two colleagues over. Suddenly everything started to fade. The nurses were dark shadowy figures before me. I made a great effort to fight what was happening to me. Everything came back into focus; I felt a bit weak at first, and after a while I felt all right again. The first time, I did. It happened a long time ago: I must have been seventeen. I was sitting at home with my mother, casually skimming through a magazine. The subject was of no interest to me, but I read on. The person in the article described pains in his chest: I started to feel a pressure weighing down on my own chest, and a strange sleepiness.

I had time to wonder what was happening to me, and, I think, to feel frightened, but the sleepiness overpowered me, and forced my eyes to close. I opened them. I was slumped in my chair, visit web page sweating. My mother said I had fainted. To me it felt as if I had just closed my eyes for a second, and I desccribe to convince her it was nothing more than that, but she was clear that I had actually passed out, and, being a nurse, she ought to know. Had she woken me, I wonder, by calling to me? Now I am sorry I did not try to explore the experience more: to describe it as exactly as possible in a diary entry. I have fainted three times. First time, I was driving my car home. Up until the bladder bit, I was calm.

how to describe someone losing consciousness without

Anyway, as I was driving home to change click here for work, my heart started pounding crazily, both eyes started turning gray from the outside to the in, and then: I was unconscious. How lucky am I that I live on a quiet street, at least it is at 11 am, and no one crashed drscribe me. I was out for just moments. Second experience was in an elevator at work; I work on a high floor, and that same sequence of events occurred. As I fainted, an unfairly handsome and super-quick F. He carried me out of the elevator, placed me on a couch and called for an ambulance.

But by then, I felt fine and he called off the ambulance.

how to describe someone losing consciousness without

I think the first two faintings may have been related to the upcoming terrible surgery: a partial colectomy. Either a panic attack or a-fib. Help us become better, tell us why. Write your comment below. Thanks for your help! An error has occurred and we were unable to send your opinion, please try again later. Substantiated information by:. Subscribe Receive the latest updates related to this content. I have read and accept the privacy policy.

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Thank you for subscribing! An error occurred and we were unable to send your data, please try again later. Name field required. Email field required. I have read and agree privacy policy. Thanks for your subscription! An error has occurred and we have not been able to send your data, please try again later. Neurally mediated syncope NMS is the most common form of fainting. NMS is generally harmless and does not usually require medical treatment.

how to describe someone losing consciousness without

It happens when the brain does not respond correctly to a trigger, such as seeing blood. NMS can also happen in response to something shocking or unpleasant. This response cuts the flow of oxygen to the brain, and the person passes out. Complications of prolonged unconsciousness can be severe. Lack of oxygen to the brain may result in brain damage, and choking can lead to death if the person does not receive treatment. Emergency first aid can also cause complications. For instance, CPR here cause fractured ribs. To help prevent a loss of consciousness as how to describe someone losing consciousness without result of fainting, doctors warn against spending too much time in hot places. For people feeling lightheaded, nauseous, or overly sweaty, they recommend lying down and elevating the legs.

Generally, it hoe also help to stay hydrated and eat more salt. Some people need medication or a pacemaker to prevent a loss of consciousness. Anyone with concerns about this should consult a doctor. Preventing a loss of consciousness can also involve getting a diagnosis and consciosuness for an underlying issue. Generally, having a healthy diet, getting enough exercise, attending screenings and scheduled visits, and receiving prompt medical treatment for any health concerns can help people prevent causes of unconsciousness. Administering source aid to an unconscious person can help.

how to describe someone losing consciousness without

It is also crucial that they get professional attention as soon as possible. The best idea is to call emergency services and then proceed with first aid or CPR, if necessary. This may mean fewer complications and a better outlook overall. Fainting is a sudden, temporary loss of consciousness due to not enough oxygen reaching the brain. Learn about the warning signs lowing treatment options…. Undereating can negatively impact health and wellbeing. Aside from losing weight, signs that someone might not be eating enough can include feeling…. In this someon, find out what to do for a concussion. Learn about the common signs and symptoms, how long recovery takes, and when to seek emergency….

Agonal breathing refers to short, labored, gasping breaths that occur because oxygen cannot reach the brain. This might be due to a person having…. Concussion is a form of traumatic brain injury. Parents and caregivers should be aware of the warning signs and symptoms of concussion in children and….

Introduction: 10 Ways to Alter Your Consciousness Without Drugs

What to do when someone is unconscious Medically reviewed by Carissa Stephens, R. What to do first. First aid steps. How to perform CPR. What not to do. When to seek emergency help. Causes of unconsciousness. Stages of unconsciousness.

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