Learn kiswahili pdf book


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Syllables Syllables in Swahili are made of vowels alone, or combinations of consonants and vowels. The exception is with letters “m” and “n” which form syllables just by themselves in some words e.g. “mtu” (person), “nchi” (country). Swahili people don’t like “hanging consonants” – consonants that are not followed by Azhearted Reading Time: 12 mins. HANDY SWAHILI PHRASES Up to about ten million people speak Swahili as a first language, but many other people speak it along the east coast of Africa. It is in the Bantu family of languages. About 35% of its vocabulary is from Arabic. Native speakers call it Kiswahili. Here a=ah, e=eh, i=ee, o=oh, u=oo in moon. This traditional learning method is a refreshing choice in this digital age. This learn Swahili workbook includes 's of words and phrases in Swahili. LinguaShop. Excellent - Reviews. Included in the course. PDF files for download. Key Points. Swahili grammar exercises. Solutions provided to the exercises/5(21).

Topics: wikipedia, offline, pdf, page, mediawiki,sw, Swahili, swwiki, Kibom. Finally, learn kiswahili pdf book English transla- tion is provided. The thing being boko sessed comes first, in this case kiti chair. Please note that ,iswahili infinitive ku- is retained. Watu wanene watarudi kesho kufanya mazoezi. Tuliila mikate. THEY, they are cooking. Demonstratives Topics: wikipedia, offline, pdf, page, mediawiki,sw, Swahili, swwiki, Kikaamba. Tulitumia chandarua juu ya kitanda. In Swahili, the noun dominates the sentence and when used with a verb, the Subject Prefix has to agree with the noun. We will begin with the N- class. Diminutive, Augmentative and Collective Nouns Learn kiswahili pdf book Software icon An illustration of a 3. My reading The other person responds by saying: Kwa heri ya kuonana. This is done by combining the Possessive Prefixes as listed in Table Mama learn kiswahili pdf kisses floral The fire burned the place definite.

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Short Swahili lesson Swahili possessive pronouns : our The Swahili word for ' our ' is based on the word ' -etu '. Sentences using present tense markers are constructed in the following manner. Darasa ya, learn kiswahili pdf book wanafunzi ldarn Kiswahili. It is this root of the verb viambishi attach to in different circumstances. Examples: Ninarudi. Saa tisa na dakika ishirini na tano alasiri learn kiswahili pdf book. Basi lipi linakwenda mjini?

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Ali & Ali M. Mazrui ABOUT THIS COURSE This is a unique Teach Yourself Swahili course. We have designed it to give you a very easy way to learn to speak, read, and even write Swahili words Azhear Size: KB. PDF | On Jun 1,P. P. Gichana and others published An English – Kiswahili Handbook for Beginners | Find, read and just click for source all kissahili research you need on ResearchGateEstimated Reading Time: 30 secs. Syllables Syllables in Swahili are made of vowels alone, or combinations of consonants and vowels. The exception is with letters “m” and “n” which form syllables just by themselves in some words e.g. “mtu” (person), “nchi” (country). Swahili people don’t like “hanging consonants” – consonants that are not followed by learnn Reading Time: 12 mins.

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By following the examples above, the Jambo greeting can also be used to inquire about a person s who are not in the vicinity. Habari za mkulima? In most cases they just have to know how to speak Swahili words both in singular and learn kiswahili pdf book. Tulimtembelea mahali. The left hand is never used for a handshake while greeting. Asante sana. We will fly in an airplane. Short Swahili lesson learn kiswahili pdf book The response to Sabalkheri is the same, which is Sabalkheri.

Handshakes A handshake constitutes part of Swahili greetings. When greeting each other, the Swahili people always shake hands. For reasons already ex- plained See Chapter 1the right hand rather than the left is used for greetings, and foreigners are expected to do likewise. Greeting someone without offering or returning a handshake is considered disrespectful. Kwa heri After greetings are exchanged, the Swahili people, like others, say goodbye to each other at the end of the conversation by saying: Kwa heri. The kiswahilii person responds by saying: Kwa heri ya kuonana.

An alternative response to Kwa heri is: Karibu tena. Salam alekum?

learn kiswahili pdf book

Kwa heri. U hali gani? Indicate whether or not the following statements are True or False by writing leearn letters T or F at the end of the statement. A handshake is part of Swahili greeting. The right hand is always offered for a handshake. Kanada: Canada karibu: near, nearby, nearly, close, welcome sing. Hakuna hodi. Hodi or Samahani. Answers to Practice Exercise B 6. Baba na mama hawajambo. Watoto hawajambo. Mwalimu hajambo. Kijana hajambo. Babu hajambo. Je, bibi hajambo? Je, Joanna hajambo? What is the news about learn kiswahili pdf book What is the news about grandfather?

What is the news about the journey? Biok is the news about the teacher? What is the news about the farmer? What is oiswahili news about the learn kiswahili pdf book What is the news about the doctors? What is the news about Canada? Answers to Practice Exercise D Aleykum salam. Nimeshapoa or Ameshapoa. Tumeshapoa or Wameshapoa. Chapter 5 Present and Future Tenses and Their Negations I n this chapter, pxf will learn how to make simple sentences using verbs in the present tense and learn kiswahili pdf book tense. In Swahili, a particular tense marker denotes kswahili tense. The present tense marker is -na- and the future tense marker is -ta. The hyphens - before and after the tense marker indicate that something has to be added before and after the tense marker.

As mentioned in Chapter 3, the Personal Subject Prefix comes before the first hyphen and the verb comes after the second hyphen STV rule. We will now learn how simple sentences using tense markers are constructed. Section A: The Present Tense The present tense is used to show an action that is in progress at the present moment or an action that takes place on a daily basis. As men- tioned above, the present tense is expressed by the tense marker -na. Sentences using present tense markers are constructed in the following manner. Please refer to Chapter 3 for more details. The present tense marker is always -na. There are many verbs in Swahili as you may https://www.azhear.com/tag/when-my-love-blooms/does-kissing-with-braces-hurt-men-quotes-images.php seen in previous chap- ters, and you will see many more in this chapter.

We then attach this to the kiswahuli tense marker -na- and we get nina. A-na- andika. The important thing to notice here is that in all these sentences, -na- is the present tense marker and it does not change. We will now briefly mention verbs in Swahili. Swahili verbs can be divided into three categories: verbs of Bantu origin, Arabic verbs and Monosyllabic verbs. Monosyllabic verbs are Bantu verbs; however, since they have special rules, they will be treated as a separate category. It is important to remember these categories of verbs as they will have their own rules governing the construction of affirmative and negative sen- tences. In the present tense, verbs of Bantu origin and Arabic verbs follow the same rules in affirmative sentences. The verbs discussed so far in Section A are all verbs of Bantu origin. Below are some examples of verbs of Arabic origin.

Please note the way to distinguish Bantu verbs from Arabic verbs learn kiswahili pdf book by looking at the last vowel of the verb. The last vowel of a Bantu verb is always the letter a while Arabic verbs never end with the letter a and instead end with either e, i or u. Monosyllabic verbs are treated slightly differently. Monosyllabic verbs have a ku- infinitive marker prefixed to the verb and this is retained in affirmative present tense sentences for all Monosyllabic verbs except pa. Present and Future Tenses and Their Negations 39 The most common Monosyllabic verbs are listed below: la eat pa give wa become nywa drink nya rain chwa setting of the sun ja come fa die, perish cha rising of the sun Sentences using present tense markers with Monosyllabic verbs are con- structed as follows: Ni-na-kula. Practice Exercise A Translate the following sentences into English. Anapenda chakula. Unaishi Kanada. Watu wanakuja. Mgonjwa anakunywa dawa.

Mama anapika. Babu anafikiri. Section B: Present Tense Negation When negating a simple present kiawahili sentence, we need to negate the Personal Subject Prefix, the present tense marker and the verb. We then delete the present tense marker -na. Since the present tense marker is deleted, the Negative Personal Subject Prefix is directly attached to the negated verb. Negated Arabic Verbs The negation of present tense sentences containing Arabic verbs is done in the same way as sentences containing verbs of Bantu origin, except that Arabic verbs learn kiswahili pdf book their last vowel in their negated booi i. Examples: Ninarudi. Present and Future Learn kiswahili pdf book and Their Negations 41 Negated Monosyllabic Verbs The negation of present tense sentences containing Monosyllabic verbs is also done in the same way as sentences containing regular Bantu verbs, except that Monosyllabic verbs drop their infinitive ku- in their negated form.

Also note that the last vowel of Monosyllabic verbs change to i as seen in other negated Bantu verbs. Examples: Ninakula. Practice Exercise B Translate the following into English.

Hakubali kwenda Kenya. Hawali samaki. Daktari haji. Mama harudi leo. Mtoto hafikiri. Msichana hali samaki. Sisomi katika Chuo Kikuu cha Toronto. Section C: The Future Tense The future tense is used to show an action that will take place in the future. As mentioned previously, the future tense is expressed by the tense marker -ta. Sentences using future tense markers are constructed in the following manner. The important thing to notice here learn kiswahili pdf book that in all these sentences, -ta- is the future tense marker and it does not change. In the future tense, verbs of Bantu origin and Arabic verbs follow the same rules in affirmative sentences. Monosyllabic verbs retain their infinitive marker ku- in sentences using future tense markers.

Practice Exercise C Translate the following sentences into English. Mtasoma barua. Tutaruka katika ndege. Atapenda learn kiswahili pdf book. Utaishi Kanada. Present and Future Tenses and Their Negations 43 Watu watakuja katika duka. Mgonjwa atakufa. Kaka atanunua nguo. Mama atapika samaki. The future tense marker and each of the three categories of verbs remain the same. We then attach it to the future tense marker - ta- to get sita. Here are examples of negation of future tense sentences i would french like verbs of Arabic origin. Please note that the infinitive ku- is retained. Practice Exercise D Translate the following into English. Watoto hawatakunywa. Daktari hatakuja.

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Hutaenda katika soko. Mama hatarudi leo. Mtoto hatafikiri. Thomas hatakula samaki. Sitasoma leo. You pl.

learn kiswahili pdf book

They are writing. We are flying. The people are coming. The patient is drinking medicine. Mother is cooking. Grandfather is thinking. They are not drinking. They are not eating fish. The doctor is not coming. Mother is not returning today. The child is not thinking. The girl is not eating fish. I am not studying at the University of Toronto. They will write. We will fly in an airplane. People will come in the shop. The patient https://www.azhear.com/tag/when-my-love-blooms/how-to-start-a-lip-kit-business.php die. Brother will buy clothes. Mother will cook fish. We will not understand. The children will not drink. They will not die. The doctor will not come. Mother will not return today. The child will not think. Thomas will not eat fish. I will not study today. Chapter 6 Simple Past and Past Perfect Tenses and Their Negations I n this chapter, we will learn how to make simple sentences using verbs in the simple past tense and past perfect tense.

The simple past tense marker is -li- and the past perfect tense marker is -me. As mentioned in Chapter 3, the Personal Subject Pre- fix comes before the first hyphen and the verb comes after the second hyphen STV rule. As mentioned previously, the simple past tense is expressed by the tense marker -li. Sentences using simple past tense markers are con- structed in the following manner. We then attach this to the simple past tense marker -li- learn kiswahili pdf book we get nili. The important thing to notice learn kiswahili pdf book is that in all these sentences, -li- is the simple past tense marker and it does not change. In the simple past tense, verbs of Bantu origin and Arabic verbs follow the same rules in affirmative sentences. Monosyllabic verbs retain their infinitive marker ku- in sentences using simple past tense markers. Mlisoma barua. Walipanda mazao. Alisikitika sana. Alipenda zawadi.

Uliishi Ujerumani. Watu walikuja katika duka. Mgonjwa alipona. Alinunua baiskeli. Mama alipika samaki. In simple past tense sentences, the Personal Subject Prefix is always negated by substi- tuting it with a Negative Personal Subject Prefix. The simple past tense marker is always negated by substituting it with the negative simple past tense marker which is -ku. Bantu and Arabic verbs remain unchanged in their negated form; however, the infinitive marker ku- is dropped in learn kiswahili pdf book Monosyllabic verbs. We then attach it to the negative simple past tense marker -ku- to get siku. Here are examples of negation of simple past tense sentences containing verbs of Arabic origin. Here are examples of negation of simple past tense sentences containing Monosyllabic verbs.

Watoto hawakunywa. Daktari hakuja. Mama hakurudi leo. Mtoto hakufikiri. Thomas hakula nyama. Sikusoma katika Chuo Kikuu cha Washington. Section C: The Past Perfect Tense The past perfect tense is used to show an source that took place in the past and the resulting state of that action still exists, or a simple present action which is complete. The past perfect tense is expressed by the tense marker -me.

Sen- tences using past perfect tense markers are constructed in the following manner. We then attach this to the past perfect tense marker -me- and we get nime. The important thing to notice here is that in all these sentences, -me- is the past perfect tense marker and it does not change. In the past perfect tense, verbs of Bantu origin and Arabic verbs follow learn kiswahili pdf book same rules in affirmative sentences. Monosyllabic verbs retain their infinitive marker ku- in sentences learn kiswahili pdf book past perfect tense markers. Wahariri wamemaliza kazi.

About Swahili

Wamepanda nyanya. Amepoza chai. Mwalimu amechanganya kemikali. Umeishi Marekani. Watu wamekuja katika kiwanja cha michezo. Mgonjwa amekunywa dawa. Amenunua kompyuta. Bibi amepika learn kiswahili pdf book. In past perfect tense sentences, the Personal Subject Prefix is always ne- gated by substituting it with a Negative Personal Subject Prefix. The past perfect tense marker is negated by substituting it with either the negative past perfect tense marker which is -ja- if the action could still take place, or the negative visit web page past tense marker -ku- if there is learn kiswahili pdf book possibility that the action could still take place.

Bantu and Arabic verbs remain un- changed in their negated form; however, the infinitive marker ku- is dropped in negated Monosyllabic verbs. We then attach either the nega- tive past perfect tense marker -ja- to get sija- OR the negative simple past tense marker -ku- to get siku. Here are examples of negation of past perfect tense sentences containing verbs of Arabic origin. Here are examples of negation of past perfect tense sentences containing Monosyllabic verbs. Please note that the infinitive ku- is deleted. Watoto hawakula. Balozi hajaja. Hujamaliza mtihani. Mama hajapika. Rafiki hajafika. Tatu hakula kuku. Sijasoma katika More info Kikuu cha Toronto. They planted crops. We flew. People came in the shop. The patient was cured. Mother cooked fish. We did not understand. The children did not drink. They did not eat. The doctor did not come. Mother did not return today. The child did not think. Thomas did not eat meat.

I did not study at University of Washington. The editors have completed the work. They have planted tomatoes. The teacher has mixed the chemical s. People have come to the stadium. The patient has drunk taken learn kiswahili pdf book medicine. Grandmother has cooked eggs. They have not yet understood. The children did not eat. The ambassador has not yet come. Mother has not yet cooked. The friend has not yet arrived.

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Tatu did not eat chicken. I have not yet studied at University of Toronto. His- torically, the division of nouns into noun classes in Swahili was based on how the East African people perceived the world. For instance, they grouped human beings into one class, animals into another class, sharp and elongated objects into another class and so on. As time passed, the East African region came into increasing this web page with the outside world initially due to trade expansion and later, colonialism. This contact caused the Swahili language to borrow new words from other languages such as English, German, Portuguese, Arabic, Hindi and so forth. The increase in Swahili vocabulary brought about the need to revise and expand the noun classes.

Currently, nouns click to see more classified into 8 noun classes. Listed below are the names of the noun classes and a brief description of what they contain. We will learn more details about each noun class in the chapters to follow. It also contains mass nouns and collectives. N- class contains words borrowed from other languages, names of animals and relationship nouns, etc. U- class contains household objects, names of countries, ab- stract nouns and qualities. PA- class contains locatives. KU- class contains verbal nouns. In this noun class, most nouns refer to human beings. It is important to remember that not all nouns referring to human beings are contained in this class.

Listed below are some examples: mtu — person watu — people mganga — doctor, shaman waganga — doctors, shamans mgeni — visitor, guest wageni — visitors, guests mgonjwa — sick person wagonjwa — sick people mpishi — chef wapishi — chefs mtoto — child watoto — children mtumishi — servant watumishi — servants mfanyakazi — worker wafanyakazi — workers mzee — old person wazee — old people Mzee is also used as a term of respect for someone older than you are. These nouns refer to animals and insects in a general sense. They are: mdudu — insect wadudu — insects mnyama — animal wanyama — animals You will see in an upcoming chapter that the specific names of animals and insects are found in the N- class.

These nouns also take the agreement prefix wa- in the plural form. With these nouns, learn kiswahili pdf book the agreement prefix mw- in the singular form is removed, we remain with learn kiswahili pdf book stem noun that begins with a vowel. For example, in a noun such as mw- alimu teacherwhen the agreement prefix mw- is removed, we remain with the stem noun -alimu meaning knowledge. When such learn kiswahili pdf book noun is pluralized, the plural contains two vowels occurring together i.

Another example would be a noun such as mw-izi thief. Here are more examples of nouns that begin with the agreement prefix mw- in the singular form and follow the merger rule. Here are some common compound nouns: mwanamke — woman wanawake — women mwanaume — man wanaume — men mwanasiasa — politician wanasiasa — politicians Since a compound noun is made of two nouns, when changing the compound noun into its plural form, we have to pluralize both of its two component nouns individually. When mwanamke is changed into plural, we have to pluralize both of its 2 component nouns, mwana and mke. Mke is a regular noun whose prefix begins with m- in the singular form and changes to wa- in the plural form to become wake.

Hence, mwanamke changes to become wanawake in the plural form. You will learn more about the N- Class in Chapter 9. However, they do not follow the merger rules explained above. For example, the noun Mw-amerika American in the plural becomes Wa-amerika Americans. As you can see, the adjacent vowels remain together and are not merged into one vowel. Italians Russians Iranian Spanish people Nigerian This noun class contains mostly trees and plants. It also contains natural phenomena, some parts of the body and many other nouns which do not appear to have much in common with other nouns in this class.

These nouns also take the agreement prefix mi- in the plural form. Therefore, in order to deter- mine which agreement prefix the noun must take in the plural form, the meaning must be known. If the meaning is a descriptive of a human being, or the word for animal mnyama or insect mdudu the plural will begin with wa- otherwise, the plural will begin with mi. Waitali Warusi Mwirani Wahispania Mnijeria It also includes non- countable nouns, some abstract nouns, collectives and a special category of nouns called the augmentatives. You may also come across some nouns, which contain JI- in the singular form but contain an irregular plural prefix. Other nouns in this class have no pre- fix in the singular form but contain MA- in the plural form. These nouns contain the prefix JI- in the singular form to which MA- is added in the plural form: jibu — answer majibu — answers jina — name majina — names jimbo — province majimbo — provinces 3.

These nouns contain JI- in the singular form but contain irregular plural prefix: jino — tooth meno — teeth jiko — stove meko — stoves 4. These nouns do not have a singular form. They only appear in the plural form and are denoted by the prefix MA maji — water maziwa — milk mafuta — oil matata — trouble Practice Exercise A Change the following nouns from singular to plural where applicable. They asked questions. The officers will come tomorrow. We will buy pineapples. I want an egg. These concepts will be taught in Chapter Change the following occupation nouns from singular to plural. Waziri Jambazi Rubani Nabii A few nouns in this class refer to parts of the body and some animals. This class is the easiest class in Swahili to use as far as singulars and plurals are concerned. Most nouns in this class have the prefix KI- in the singular form which changes to VI- in the plural form.

A minority of nouns in this class have the prefix CH- in the singular form which changes to VY- in the plural form. These nouns contain the prefix CH- in the singular form which changes to VY- in the plural form: chombo — tool, utensil vyombo — tools, utensils chumba — room vyumba — rooms chakula — food vyakula — food choo — lavatory vyoo — lavatories Practice Exercise B Change the following nouns from plural to singular where applicable. You will need matches. The barbers are cutting hair. We used a mosquito net over the bed. We arranged a meeting. This concept will be taught in Chapter Hindi Spanish Chinese Maasai language Waliuliza maswali. Alipata matatizo. Maofisa watakuja kesho. Tutanunua mananasi. Ninataka yai. Majambazi Marubani Manabii Manesi Answers to Practice Exercise B Utahitaji vibiriti.

Vinyozi wanakata nywele. Tulitumia chandarua juu ya kitanda. Alivunja kifundo. Tulipanga kikao. Kihindi Kihispania Kichina Kimaasai We will begin with the N- class. It also contains names of animals and rela- tionship nouns. Due to the large number of borrowed words in Swahili, the N- class is the largest of all the noun classes. However, although the majority of borrowed words are contained in the N- class, some bor- rowed words can be found in other noun classes. Nouns in the Learn kiswahili pdf book class learn kiswahili pdf book identical in both their singular and plural learn kiswahili pdf book and therefore do not have singular or plural prefixes. The learn kiswahili pdf book way that singular and plural nouns are distinguished in this class is by the agreement that the noun takes with the subject prefix, object infix etc.

Noun class agreements learn kiswahili pdf book be taught in future chapters. Here are a few categories of nouns that belong to the N- class: 1. Magic in Click at this page Topics: Swahili literature, Swahili language. Carlb. Topics: wikipedia, learn kiswahili pdf book, pdf, page, mediawiki,sw, Swahili, swwiki, Kimasalit. Topics: wikipedia, offline, pdf, page, mediawiki,sw, Learn kiswahili pdf book, swwiki, Kikiribati. Topics: wikipedia, offline, learn kiswahili pdf book, page, mediawiki,sw, Swahili, swwiki, Kimiltu.

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Topics: wikipedia, offline, pdf, page, mediawiki,sw, Swahili, swwiki, Kikaamba. Topics: wikipedia, offline, pdf, page, mediawiki,sw, Swahili, swwiki, Kinaga cha Tarao. Topics: wikipedia, offline, pdf, page, mediawiki,sw, Swahili, swwiki, Kimaridan. Topics: wikipedia, offline, pdf, page, mediawiki,sw, Swahili, swwiki, Kingamo. Nilifika hapa kiasi wiki mbili zilizopita. I arrived here about two weeks ago. Unafanya kazi gani? What do you do? Mimi ni mhasibu. I am an accountant. Uko hapa kikazi au matembezi? Are you here on business or leisure? Niko hapa kwa matembezi. I am just visiting. Ndio, nimeoa response from a male. Yes, I am married. No, Learn kiswahili pdf book am not married. Ndio, nimeolewa response from a female. Hapana, sijaolewa response from a female. Familia yako iko wapi?

Where is your family? Familia yako iko hapa? Is your family here? Ndio, familia yangu iko hapa. Yes, my family is here. Hapana, familia yangu iko nyumbani. No, my family is at home. Unao watoto wangapi? How many children do you have? Ninao watoto wawili. I have two children. Sina watoto. I do not have children. Watoto wako wana umri gani? How old are your children? Mimi ninaishi hapa. I live here. Umeishi hapa miaka mingapi? How many years have you lived here? Nimeishi hapa miaka sita. I have lived here for six years. Umeishi hapa muda gani? How long have you lived here? Nimeishi hapa kwa muda mrefu sana. I have lived here for a long time. Nimefurahi kujuana na wewe. Nimefurahi kuonana na wewe. Tutaonana baadaye We will meet later. Where is the airport? Nitafikaje hospitali? How do I get learn kiswahili pdf book hospital? Upande gani ni kaskazini? Which direction is north? Upande gani ni kusini? Which direction is south? Upande gani ni mashariki?

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Where does this road go? Tafadhali nipatie maji ya kunywa. Get me some water, please. Tafadhali niletee maji ya kunywa. Bring me some water, please. Tafadhali nipatie kinywaji baridi. Get me a cold drink, please. Tafadhali niletee kiburudisho. Bring me some refreshment, please. Tafadhali nipatie chakula. Get me some food, please. Tafadhali niletee chakula moto. Bring me some hot food, please. Kichwa kinaniuma. I have got headache Unazo dawa za kichwa? Do language translation kissing words passionately tagalog tagalog meaning have headache medicine? Tafadhali nipatie dawa. Get me some medicine, please! Naweza kutumia choo, tafadhali? Unaweza kunisaidia, tafadhali? Can you help me, please?

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when you kiss someone with braces yourself

when you kiss someone with braces yourself

Oct 04,  · You should wait for at least two weeks before kissing someone with braces. During this period, you will get more comfortable with your braces. In case you have got a sore in your mouth or other injuries due to braces. Then it would be better to wait until your mouth wall heals completely. Kissing someone with an injured mouth is not wise since you might be . May 29,  · If you are French kissing someone with braces, be sure to keep your tongue away from the back of the mouth. That is where the sharpest parts of the braces tend to be. 66%(). Nov 12,  · With that said, here are some easy-to-follow tips that will help your romantic life while wearing braces: Approach kissing slowly and with caution. Bumping your braces into your partner’s lips, gums or teeth can be painful and If you know kissing is a possibility, spend extra time cleaning. Read more

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